Home » Bangladesh sees first ever rewilding of captive-bred elongated tortoises

Bangladesh sees first ever rewilding of captive-bred elongated tortoises

Two species of critically endangered tortoises were reintroduced to Bangladesh‘s forests last December. Six captive-bred elongated tortoises (Indotestudo elongata) were first released in Lawachara National Park in northeastern Bangladesh on Dec. 18. This was followed by the release of 10 Asian giant tortoises (Manouria emys phayrei) in Matamuhuri Reserve Forest in the Chittagong Hill Tracts […]

Two species of critically endangered tortoises were reintroduced to Bangladesh‘s forests last December.

Six captive-bred elongated tortoises (Indotestudo elongata) were first released in Lawachara National Park in northeastern Bangladesh on Dec. 18. This was followed by the release of 10 Asian giant tortoises (Manouria emys phayrei) in Matamuhuri Reserve Forest in the Chittagong Hill Tracts of southeastern Bangladesh on Dec. 24. The reintroductions were a joint effort of the Turtle Survival Alliance (TSA), the Creative Conservation Alliance (CCA) and the Bangladesh Forest Department, TSA said in a statement.